From La Barrita, Petatlan is approximately a 20 minute drive. The ‘combie’ (a Mexican micro bus) comes by every 15 minutes or so picking up passengers along the way. There is a bench for waiting, but the drivers watch for pickups anywhere along the stretch of road. Most everyone that rides the combie is friendly, and greet all with a cheery salutation when they get on and off. From La Barrita to Petatlan, the fare for the combie (as of 2017) is 19 pesos.
Las Salinas
The first town that you drive through is Las Salinas, famous for its salt making. During the dry months, plots are farmed and salt is heaped up in piles ready to be harvested and packaged. Once the rainy season comes in May, the plots are flooded and the process is put on hold until the dry season comes around again.
Another town that you go through on the way to Petatlan is Juluchuca. This town is famous for two things: its pigs and coconut plantation. I was once told there are more pigs than people in Juluchuca (an exaggeration I’m sure)! There are many vendors along the highway selling coconut everything and anything. I like to buy coconut oil in Juluchuca. For those with a sweet tooth the most popular sale is coconut candies.
The small city of Petatlan was founded in 1550, and pretty much known for 3 things; its typical Mexican street scene, the church, and the gold vendors.
I was fortunate to be in Petatlan when the town was celebrating La Revolución de 1910.
If you would like more information click on the link below
One of the largest buildings in the city is the Catholic Church, called ‘Church of the Father of Jesus de Petatlán’. The story of ‘The holy patron of Petatlan’ goes back to the 1500’s, when a statue of Jesus complete with cross was found in the river. The locals took this as a miracle, and built the church to house it. Later in years the town suffered an earthquake, and the church was rebuilt in a more modern classic style. Outside the church are many vendors selling religious paraphernalia, as well as goldsmiths selling jewelry.
Also in Petatlan is a pharmacy, clinic, hospital, hardware store, grocery store, market, vehicles maintenance shops, clothing, and bus depot. Pretty much anything that you would expect from a city its size.